About Me

  • Located in Austin, TX.
  • Expert in graph databases such as Neo4j
  • Expert in Stable Diffusion
  • Founder at MHP Portal (MedTech, SDOH)
  • Over 5 years experience in DoD and DARPA projects (Press Release on PROTEUS) (Nexus Analytics) (Gunnery Application)
  • Solutions have been used for the Australian Army, the British Army and presented to the US Joint Artificial Intelligence Center and at the I/ITSEC 2019 Conference.
  • Experience consulting on computer vision techniques for startups.
  • Proficient in Python, R, SQL, MongoDB, Kubernetes, Kafka, OpenCV, Docker, AWS, Dask, ElasticSearch, Neo4j, Airflow, Lambdas.
  • Worked on market research for Fortune 500 companies, machine learning in the transportation sector, worked on military training analytics and predictive analytics. Also working on military video game based training that includes data science architectures that scale.
  • Love making models to beat my friends in fantasy sports.
  • Currently working on Natural Language Processing, LDA, text similarity, and finding ways to scale it.
  • Love politics, Austin FC, the San Antonio Spurs (r/nba is life), hiking, and curating my ever-growing vinyl record collection.
  • A collector of mezcal.